Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tip: Increase Website Traffic Free by Using Forums

When making a new website, among our first questions is: "How can I get people to visit?" Whether your website is for business, personal reasons, or blogging, web traffic is one of your most important considerations. It is unfortunate then that so many of us struggle with this. But getting web traffic is actually remarkably simple. You can:
  • Buy advertisements (Newsletters, Banners, Text)
  • Get links from other websites (try asking)
  • Write articles and distribute them freely
Or increase your website traffic for free with forums!

There are forums for almost any topic you can think of, and most of them are completely free. You simple go, sign up, and start reading or typing to others. Unlike a chatroom, every conversation is saved.

This technique is one of my favorite. There are 5,000 steps to increasing your website traffic with forums:

1. Find a forum related to your website. For example: if your website is about dogs, type "dog forums" into your favorite search engine.

2. Register for free. Forums require that you create a free account (usually by clicking 'register'). Then enter a nickname and your email address. Be sure to check your email a few minutes after and read the message which comes - also check your junk mail folder.

3. Create a profile. After registering, you can enter some information about yourself including a 'signature' - a place to put a link back to your website. This is the most important part. Most forums have instructions to help with this.

That's it, you're almost done! Now the only thing you have left to do is start using the forum. Try to read a little bit first, make sure you understand the forum's rules and are familiar with the topic being discussed.

Then you can contribute by 'posting' - responding to other users or creating your own discussion. This is when your signature will appear with your link.

Other forum members will see your link, click on it, and visit your website! It's also a great way to have fun while learning as much as you can about your favorite things.

Here is a great video overview about increasing your website traffic free with forums. Click here to view it (Using Forums For Traffic & Help)...

1 comment:

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