Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nvidia 3D Vision Kit: Wireless 3D Glasses Work with Most Video Games

As computers and gaming systems push over 4 gigahertz and 6 processor cores, gamers have come to expect ultra high resolution graphics for their entertainment.

The next logical phase in this development is the third dimension. Video game makers are pushing the envelope of 'virtual' reality to deliver in next generation systems and game titles. Unfortunately, however, there is very little current support.

Enter the Nvidia 3D Wireless Vision Kit. Unlike most 3D systems, Nvidia's product lets you see hundreds of games in high definition 3D. To accomplish this, it uses special software to convert graphics in real time - no need to patch any of your games. It also supports viewing movies and pictures on your PC in 3D.

The Nvidia 3D Vision Kit is wireless; up to 15 feet with an infrared transmitter for accurate viewing and over 40 hours of battery life.

It sells for $199 directly from their website or from participating retailers.

Learn more from their website here...

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