Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Government Terminates 73,000 Blogs in Cybersecurity Act

In an unprecedented move, the federal government has ordered the immediate termination of 73,000 blogs at Blogetery.com.

The reason? BursetNET says a "link to terrorist material" and a "hit list" were found on one of the blogs.

"Simply put: We cannot give him his data nor can we provide any other details. By stating this, most would recognize that something serious is afoot."

Further information leaked from emails sent by BurstNET implied Blogetery.com may have been shut down "due to material hosted on the server".

After a recent article by the Washing Post regarding previous materials of this sort, there's no telling where it came from.

One thing seems certain, however: federal authorities will be using newfound intellectual property enforcement power to shut down many websites.

Learn more about why it happened here...

Learn more about possible political implications here...

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