Friday, March 2, 2012

Albert Gonzalez - Largest Credit Card Database Hacker in US History

In the largest computer hacking case in United States history, Albert Gonzalez was sentenced to 20 years of prison and fined $25,000. His crimes include assisting two Russian co-conspirators in stealing more than 130 million credit cards from 250 retail store databases. Heartland Payment Systems, Inc - among the largest payment processors in the U.S. - was among the targets.. along with 7-eleven and Hannaford Brothers Co. 

Gonzalez's method of attack is known as 'SQL injection', and unfortunately it is an industry wide vulnerability. 

His reason for committing the crimes? "curiosity and addiction."

Today, almost all purchases made with your credit card involve the Internet or a database - whether they are made online or in stores. So despite these crimes buying online is actually no less safe than brick and morter since the only way someone can see your number online is by hacking complex computer systems.

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