Thursday, April 5, 2012

Independent 'Stars of Youtube' Earn Good Living Discussing Interests

Internet use has exploded in the last 10 years, becoming an exhibition for endless human creativity. Self publishing is perhaps the greatest invention of man kind to date, and more than a few of us have taken advantage.

Enter the 'stars of Youtube'. These video sharing savvy online entrepreneurs realized the medium's potential early on and are now earning substantially from their efforts.

They come from all walks of life and talk about whatever they want. The variety alone is incredible: beauty, DIY, fiction, health, humor, news, politics, and much, much more.

The potential is virtually endless, and the top independent Youtube stars are now earning as much as half a million dollars (500,000) annually.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of this is the fact that these Youtube stars are 'every day' people who often lived, worked, and played in normal society before their newfound fame. And their numbers increase every day.

Click here to see the most successful Independent 'Stars of Youtube'...

See more Youtube celebrities at Wikipedia...

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